Thousands of backlit open books spill out over the road. For the brief span of a single evening, they form a spectacular luminescent river. Literature overflows the public space, creating a site of enchantment and an art happening based on a shared love of reading. The books are free for the taking; the ephemeral installation disappears, piece by piece, as audience and passersby leave with new but used reading materials.
Luzinterruptus (Espagne)
Luzinterruptus has been creating ephemeral public art installations in urban environments since 2008. The anonymous collective’s art uses recycled materials as their raw materials, light as an aesthetic ploy, public space as a staging ground, and citizen participation as a means of transmission. Their projects can be seen in the streets of many cities on almost every continent (except Antarctica).
Entente de développement culturel entre la ville de Québec et le gouvernement du Québec, Institut canadien de Québec
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